5 Reasons Why You Should Add More HIIT to Your Workout/Dieting Regime

5 Reasons Why You Should Add More HIIT to Your Workout/Dieting Regime

We are all constantly looking for the right workout and dieting regime that produces the long-lasting weight loss we all desire. If there was a miracle solution, we’d all jump onboard immediately, right?

Perhaps you’ve tried running a few miles each morning or biking on the weekends. You notice a very little change in your body composition. In fact, from all of the cardio, you are probably hungrier after, causing you to over-eat. What gives?

Cardio is not the end-all, be-all solution. As far as current and post-workout calorie expenditure is concerned, the best option for anyone’s body is HIIT (high interval intensity training).

What is HIIT?

HIIT is any workout that alternates between intense bursts of exertion, as well as fixed periods of less-intense activity or complete rest. One example would be running as fast as you can for 1-minute, followed by a 1 minute and 30-second slow walk. Then, you would repeat it again four or five times.

Since HIIT is a combination of both resistance and cardio exercises, your body burns a heightened amount of calories during and after the work out.

So why should you add more HIIT to your workout routine?

  1. It’s Quick:
    You can enjoy all of the benefits of HIIT from just a 15-20-minute workout. For the busier people in the world that don’t have time for an hour-long run, in just 20-minutes, you can burn hundreds of calories, rev up your heart, and create caloric expenditure after you are done.
  2. It’s Effective:
    The intense exertion of HIIT kicks your body’s repair cycle into hyper-drive, which means that you burn more calories in the 24-hours after you are done, as opposed to while you are completing the HIIT workout.
  3. It’s Good for Your Heart:
    Getting your heart into an anaerobic zone (where you can’t catch your breath) is actually incredibly good for you and your cardiovascular health. As humans, we were meant to be athletic creatures, which means pushing your body into this place will create long-lasting health results.
  4. It’s Easy to Do:
    Although the actual act of HIIT can be hard, in order to engage in it, you need zero equipment. Yes, jump roping, rowing, etc. are all great additions if they are available to you. But, your body weight can be just as effective – if not more. Consider high knees, fast feet, jumping, mountain climbers, and a variety of other quick workout bursts that will have you panting.
  5. It Preserves Your Muscle:
    Did you know that too much cardio can cause your body to burn muscle? That’s because our bodies switch off from fat to muscle as a source of energy when we engage in extended periods of cardio. With HIIT, you will burn fat, and not muscle, since 50% of HIIT is considered weight-training.

The Afterburn

If time is of the essence and you’re looking for tangible results, we encourage you to engage in more HIIT workouts. Of course, motivation on your own can be hard, which is why our doors are open to our classes!


High interval intensity training
HIIT workout
HIIT diet

