Strength Training & Injury Prevention

Strength Training & Injury Prevention

The Real Truth Behind Preventing Injuries With Strength Training

It’s safe to say that every athlete, every fitness enthusiast, and anyone who works out to keep their body healthy and in shape has experienced an injury at one point or another. Now, whether this injury was minor, major, or with a mid-range level of concern is entirely a case to case basis. Nevertheless, when you push your body to its limits, you’ll no doubt eventually experience an injury. However, there are a number of ways to ensure that your body is best prepared to handle an injury, should one ever occur. And there are also ways to ensure that your body has the strength and the ability to quickly recover from an injury – even one that is more serious than usual.

How? Say hello to strength training.

What Is Strength Training?

Strength training is a particular type of exercise regimen that focus on increasing your strength all throughout your body. And when we mean all throughout your body, we’re talking about everything from your muscles to your bones. In addition, strength training can even help you improve balance and coordination, and it burns a ton of calories, which may help you in your weight loss journey as well.

So, how does strength training prevent injury? Let’s take a look down below.

Building Muscle & Strengthening Bones

At its very core, strength training is designed to do exactly as the word says – increase your strength. Through a combination of weight lifting, body weight exercises, weight machines, and of course, proper form, you can work to build your muscle strength and your bone strength one workout at a time. Not only will you gain the ability to add more weight incrementally, but you should also begin to feel the results with each workout because you can now push harder with each new workout.

But the thing is that you’re not only strengthening your muscles – you’re also strengthening your bones. This is a critical fact because the next time you experience a slip, spill, or a fall either on an ordinary day or when you’re doing physical activity, there is less of a chance that you’ll experience a break, sprain, or a strain.

Improving Balance & Coordination

Strength training combines weight lifting with body weight exercises, along with more standard aerobics like jumping jacks and lunges. Overtime, these types of workouts actually help your body find its center of gravity more quickly, ultimately improving your balance and your coordination. How does this relate to injury prevention? Typically, falling off balance is the precursor to a slip or a fall, which is how most people become injured. If you’re square to your center of gravity, the likelihood of you losing your balance becomes slim!

Pay A Visit To Ludus Actius

If you’re ready to engage in some real strength training, or if you’re looking for a safe fitness regimen that can help you become one with your body and prevent future injuries from occurring, pay a visit to Ludus Actius in Orlando.

Keywords: Strength Training, Injury Prevention.