Caloric Deficit for Losing Weight

Caloric Deficit for Losing Weight

As we write this right now, an estimated 160 million Americans are classified as obese in our country. Nearly 75% of men and 50% of women in the U.S. are considered overweight, and nearly 30% of teens under the age of 20 are considered overweight. It’s certainly a problem that sends plenty of people into our fitness facilities wondering how they can turn their lives around – and we applaud them for doing that.

Beyond working out, incorporating compound exercises, etc., individuals also need to concern themselves with what they’re eating, as well as caloric deficits for losing weight over-time. The problem is that our education system fails us, providing us with zero education related to losing weight and how it’s done most efficiently.

Fortunately, we have you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about caloric deficits for weight loss:

Caloric Deficit for Weight Loss

To get started, you need to first calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is known as the minimum number of calories your body burns when it’s at rest doing nothing. It’s the number of calories required for involuntary functions like breathing, regulating your body temperature, etc. It does not cover the exertion, exercise, etc. that gets thrown into the mix when you leave your home and start moving.

If you are a woman, you can use the following formula: 655 + (4.35 x your weight in pounds) = 4.7 x your height in inches) – (4.7 x your age in years). This can be complicated, which is why going to a fitness facility can help you find your BMR in just a few minutes using different machines and tools.

If your BMR is 1,200 calories, you want to never drop below that caloric intake level because you can start to impact your body’s ability to regulate organs, hold onto muscle, etc. It can be dangerous.

Next, you will need to calculate your physical activity. How many minutes per day do you walk? Do you workout? What do you do when you workout? You can estimate how many calories you are burning from exercise. Then, take that number and add it to your BMR. Let’s say you burn 500-calories per day from working out. Your total is now at 1,700 calories.

A caloric deficit would be eating under the 1,700-calories but above the 1,200-calories.

Fun fact: One pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories.

As Healthline stated, generally, a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day is sufficient for weight loss, as well as unlikely to affect your hunger levels. Anything more than that can be too drastic, causing you to binge eat, as well as shock your body on a lack of vitamins and nutrients.

Keep in mind, based on your BMR, your calorie deficit will vary. For the best results, be moderate in your deficit. Otherwise, you will slip back into your old habits.

Lastly, as we have mentioned before, muscle helps the body burn fat more efficiently. Therefore, retaining muscle on your body will make it easier for you to lose the weight.


Loss weight
Cut calories
Caloric deficit